Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cleaning up my internet footprint

Spent most of the day cleaning up old web sites I don't update anymore, getting rid of 5! online photo albums and getting all my pics online in one place. You know some of these sites really don't want you to delete your webpages or photo albums. I never could find out how to delete my Webshots account so I had to delete all my albums and remove any personal info. Hope that takes care of it. I've been meaning to do this for a while just haven't gotten my butt in gear. Hopefully Snapfish won't get bought/traded to anyone anytime soon. I really hate having to relearn a new site and re editing all those pics!!
Decided to make another pair of leg warmers. Want to make them in black/white but don't have any sport weight white. I  have some 'fun fur' in black so I may add that to the top. Don't know how the ribbing will do though. Now to go knit them up!
Reconnected with Kelly. Hopefully we'll be able to get together more often.

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